Tuesday 23 July 2024

BOPNUS EPISODE - We Have the Technology - Episode 0

No this isn't about Pappy or French or Lard or even WW2.

It's not even about Hirachi or Micklin.

I did talk about Baa Baa Black Sheep in the podcast though!

This is from a new podcast I'm doing with my brother Dan!  It's called 'We Have the Technology' and it's about the classic 70s show the Six Million Dollar Man.

Every month or so Dan and I will talk about a couple of episodes. You know, like with Steve, except Dan isn't Steve as much as he's Dan Brodbeck, recordist.

We talked toys.

We talked bad effects.

We talked Farrah Fawcett.

We wondered who would want an Oscar Goldman doll.

Generally we just had fun.  

Oh, yeah, a link to the site (still under construction, I haven't even bought the domain yet) might be nice....

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Friday 12 July 2024

Episode 12 - Steve and Dave are the Cat's Whiskers

Better title this month I think.

Hey this one has not one, but two made up islands!

The 'well if we could just get a mission we won't get court martialled' trope continues.  (Also, is it martialled or martialed?). OK, turns out it must be the double l one right?

This one was broadcast on December 7, 1976.  You may not know this, but, a pretty big thing happened on  December 7, 1941, just saying.

I don't put my feet up on my desk much, but if Admiral Nimitz says it's a good idea I will start.

I really liked how Lard knew something was up because there was too much Scotch on Espartos Marcos.

Pappy's plane changes a few times scene to scene which is pretty funny.

'It's called stock footage David, be quiet'.

That said, much of the dogfighting stuff is great.

You sir, are no admiral Nimitz.

There are, today, listening posts like the show talked about.  This one though seems to detect things using active sonar pings and Morse code...

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Friday 7 June 2024

Episode 11 - Dave and Steve on My Mind

This one has some great 70s guest stars.

The New Georgia campaign actually happened!

Pappy and the Black Sheep don't seem to get that in wartime the whole thing doesn't revolve around you.

The lack of military discipline in the show can usually be overlooked, but Steve and I are pretty sure enlisted men don't talk to officers like they do in this episode.

Coastwatchers were a real thing, JFK knew that. Oh so does Peter Frampton.

Generally this one was supposed to make me hate the marine raiders, but, umm, the 214 are just as bad as far as Steve and I are concerned.

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Friday 10 May 2024

Episode 10 - Anyone For Steve and Dave?

I wonder if this episode title would be used today.

We get Pappy drinking aftershave in this one!

Come to think of it, I shouldn't have used an exclamation point there, like, am I excited about alcohol use disorder?

Classic military movie trope of volunteers only in this one.

Classic military movie trop of drawing lots.

Whitmore Jr is really good in this one as usual.

The USS Princeton was a real carrier.

Those extra guys are a bunch of Dales.

Pappy is horrible. in the one.

The Fraser strait on the other hand....

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Friday 12 April 2024

Episode 9 - Dave and Steve are Up For Grabs

Obligatory title comment, this one is not one of my better ones.

Hey this one has a date!

Douglas MacArthur was really good at being MacArthur.

George Takei!

This one is stupid fun.

Nobody would have been that calm, on either side.

There's a magic B25 in this episode that changes livery.

There's stock footage from Tora Tora Tora in this one, and there's of course a Tor Tora Tora connection in this one.

Hey, also, directed by Ivan Dixon!

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Friday 15 March 2024

Episode 8 - A Steve and Dave Circus

Not a bad title this month.

Repeat this with me, there was no Christmas Island campaign.

I wonder if what Pappy proposes is technically a war crime.

Some great stuff about carrier operations this week.  That guy is in a dumb looking shirt and hat for a reason.

US Navy vs USMC rivalry is a real thing.  Inter service rivalries are in general in every country with armed forces.

We get some proper toxic masculinity this week.

We both love Gutterman.

We also get the 'flying misfits vs the US armed forces' this week.  I'm not complaining BTW.

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Friday 9 February 2024

Episode 7 - Presumed Steve and Dave

Bad title.

Wait, Kent McCord and James Hong!

You don't send out active SONAR pings like that.

Also, why did Dobson speak Japanese when the Col speaks English?

There are some really great flight scenes in this one.

I wonder if any of the planes are still around.

Why would they be doing recon over an island they figure has nothing on it?

Some real Manchurian Candidate vibes in this one.

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BOPNUS EPISODE - We Have the Technology - Episode 0

No this isn't about Pappy or French or Lard or even WW2. It's not even about Hirachi or Micklin. I did talk about Baa Baa Black Shee...